Alpine Paintings: Swiss Mountain Art

 Swiss Mountain Paintings for sale: Swiss Alps: Peintures de la Montagne: Tableaux Alpes Suisse: Valais, Vaud, Geneve, Uri, Zurich, Engadine, Neuchatel, St. Moritz. La peinture alpestre.

St. Gothard Hospice. Neuchatel Goschenen, Switzerland La Chutte du Bayernbach aus Lac di Wallenstadt Goschenen, Valley of the Reuss Lake Geneva (Lac Leman) Morges and Lausanne, near Meillerie - Dent de Morcles and Dent de Midi La Chute Prise Du Fischetz Chateau Chillon Vevey from Monnet's (Hotel) Garden Gemälde von Schweizer Bergen und der SchweizLucerne with Kapell-Brucke over the Reuss Vue de la Dent du Midi at du Chateau de Panex pres d'Aigle Luzern Chateau Chillon with Dents de Midi in background. View of Lucerne and Pilatus The Village of Simplon. The Devils Bridge. Suisse Gabriel Ludwig Lory swiss mountain paintings a swiss village and mountains Oberhofen, Lake of Thun. Thonon, Suisse Sur le lac de Brienz, Switzerland on the road to the Grand Chartreuse in Dauphine Iseltwald, Brienzer See, Switzerland Piz Julier and Piz Albana above St. Moritz Spietz on Thunersee from Thun Church and Village of Trient, Switzerland Valais Vevey, Switzerland Aussicht von Vevay uber dem Genfer See aufgenommen bey der Kirche zu St. Martin. Le Pont de St Maurice, Valais Simplon, Valais Zurich am ThunerSee, Die Blumlis Alp, Die Niesen swiss mountain paintings CLUSES by  George Barnard

The Art of Mountains and Mountaineering - contact

Is this  CLUSES ? Pont Vieux

Mountain Paintings Märjelensee with the Grosser Aletschgletscher Elijah Walton Lac de Brienz - as seen from the wood near the Jungfrau Blick. MOUNTAIN PAINTINGS. Mountain Engravings. ARTISTS. MONTAGNA ITALIANE. MONT BLANC. MATTERHORN CERVIN. DOLOMITES. SWISS   ALPS. BRITISH MOUNTAINS. HIMALAYAS. BERNESE OBERLAND. Fine Mountain Paintings. Schweizer Bergbilder zu verkaufen Red Rigi

Turner, J.M.W. (after)

The Red Rigi, Last Rays (c.1842) watercolour.  22 x 28.8 cms. framed & glazed

Schweizer Alpenmalerei Piz Languard. Moritzersee Engadine.

Swiss School, indistinctly signed Yv??? Neuchatel. 19th cent. watercolour.  21.5 x 35 cms.

 Birmann, Peter [1758-1844] La Chutte du Bayernbach aus Lac di Wallenstadt. 1805 watercolour. signed and dated. 28.5 x 21 cms. framed & glazed.

Took, N.A. St. Gothard Hospice. 1853 watercolour.  19 x 12 cms. framed & glazed.

Robertson, Struan. [fl.1903-1938] British Goschenen, Switzerland. 1899 watercolour. signed 34 x 48 cms. framed & glazed.

Engleheart, Evelyn. (daughter of J.C.D.) Vevey from Monnet's (Hotel) Garden.

Robertson, Struan. [fl.1903-1938] British Goschenen, Valley of the Reuss.

Lory, Gabriel Ludwig. [1763 -1840] Iseltwald on BrienzerSee - Lake of Brientz, Switzerland. c1800


For more information about these mountain paintings

Weitere Informationen zu Gemälden der Schweizer Berge und der Schweiz

Schweizer Bergbilder zu verkaufen: Schweizer Alpen: Bergbilder: Schweizer Alpen Gemälde: Wallis, Waadt, Genf, Uri, Zürich, Engadin, Neuchâtel, St. Moritz, Alpenmalerei.

Barnard, George. [1807-1890] Märjelensee with the Grosser Aletschgletscher

Walton, Elijah. [1832-1880]  Lac de Brienz - as seen from the wood near the Jungfrau Blick.

Barnard, George. [1807-1890] Piz Languard. Moritzersee Engadine.

1488 Goodwin, Harry. [1840 -1925] Red Rigi, Lake Lucerne. 1887 watercolour. signed with tile and date l.r.  29 x 50 cms. framed & glazed. [52 x 68]

1482 Hudson, Robert Jnr. [c. 1852-1884] Lake Geneva and Villeneuve. 1883 oil on canvas. (Reeves & Sons. Manufacturers. 113 Cheapside. London).  signed and dated R Hudson Jnr/1883 (lower left) BIG 52 x 76 cms. original ornate gilt frame [83 x 108]

1435 Walton, Elijah. [1832-1880] Lac de Brienz - as seen from the wood near the Jungfrau Blick. 1874 watercolour heightened with white body colour. signed Elijah Walton and title in ink and also in pencil on verso with date August 3 1874.  25 x 17.5 cms. framed & glazed.

1425 Wynne, A.B. [c.1850-1910] Irish Chillon, Upper Rhone. Dents de Midi. 1898 watercolour. signed b.r.  20 x 33.5 cms. framed and glazed  [50 x 63]

1330 Dobbs, Muriel. (Rosalind Heyworth Potter) [1865-1949] Dents du Midi from Villars. c1900 watercolour on grey paper. not signed - from a collection of her work.  32 x 47 cms.  

1310 anonyme Vallee de Meiringen c1850 oil on canvas.   49 x  65 cms. original gilt frame. [62 x 80]

1306 Schmid, David Alois. [1791-1861]  Canton of Schwyz. Two women and a man in traditional costume. c1830 watercolour. signed l.r. D.A. Schmidt fecit. hand drawn ink title.  15 x 18 cms.  [27.5 x 22]

1299 Donne, Col. Henry Richard Beadon. [1860-1949] fl.1906-1939 Alpine Mountain with Glacier.  watercolour. signed HRB DONNE lower right.   23 x 15 cms. in frame [34 x 26]

1287 Conway, William Martin. [1856-1937] The Stockhorn Range from. c.1870 watercolour. early unsigned from the artist's sketchbook with ink title.  7 x 23.5 cms.  

1277 Brockedon, William. [1787-1854] Gate of Bourg St. Pierre. c1820 watercolour grisaille. the original for 'Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps'. not signed.  18 x 17 cms.  [21 x 21]

1249 Lewis, John Hardwicke. [1840-1927] The Grammont above Lac Geneva 1902 watercolour. The artist illustrated books 'The Lake of Geneva', 'Montreux' and 'Lausanne' published by A. & C. Black 1908. signed with monogran JHL with date l.l. title and signed in ink on verso.  28 x 70 cms. framed & glazed. [55 x 96]

1247 Smith, John Warwick. [1749-1831] Entrance to the Lake of Thoun in SwisSerland.  1788 watercolour over pencil on wove paper. original washline mount. signed and dated 1788. ink title 'J. Smith fecit.' verso  18 x 25 cms. framed & glazed. [ x ]

1247 Smith, John Warwick. [1749-1831] In the canton of Soleure in SwisSerland. 1788 watercolour over pencil on wove paper. original washline mount. signed and dated 1788. ink title 'J. Smith fecit.' verso  18 x 25.5 cms. framed & glazed. [ x ]

1221 Lory, Gabriel Ludwig. [1763 -1840] Swiss Costume - Berne   Bernoise coiffée d'un bonnet de dentelles à deux ailes. 1824 17 original watercolour over faint etching. signed b.r. with title in watercolour.   12.5 x 11 cms.  sheet size 21 x 15 cms.

1206 Cook, Herbert Moxon. [1844-1929] After Fresh Fall Snow below Chateau d'Oex, Switzerland. c1900 watercolour, gouache.  signed l.r. title in pencil on verso, with label provenance.  27 x 37 cms. framed & glazed. [43 x 54]

1193 Croft, Arthur. [1828 -1902] A.C. Dragons Back on Pizzo Nero Val Bedretto, bridge over Ticino, Fontana Airolo Switzerland 1891 watercolour. signed with date l.l.  35.5 x 63 cms. framed & glazed.

1189 Blampied, Clifford George [1875-1962] Lake Wallansee (Walensee) near Zurich.   watercolour. signed l.l. with title in pencil on backing paper verso.  33 x 57 cms.  

1175 Walton, Elijah. [1832-1880] Lake of Lucerne and Alps of Uri. -- Bürgestock und Kehrsite c1872 watercolour heightened with white bodycolour. not signed.  25 x 35 cms. framed & glazed. [ x ]

Goodwin, Harry. [1840 -1925] Red Rigi, Lake Lucerne.

Schweizer Bergbilder zu verkaufen: Schweizer Alpen: Bergbilder: Schweizer Alpen Gemälde: Alpenmalerei.